Unstoppable Experience
According to Wikipedia, a mantra is “a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of “creating transformation.” For this project I choose a personal mantra "Unstoppable Experience", then designed and produced an actual wearable sweatshirt to showcase it. The mantra is an expression I would like to tell myself or someone else every morning.
I chose the words “Unstoppable Experience” because they speak to me and motivate me to keep going on and experiencing everything, good or bad it’s all part of life and we must remember to keep going on, no matter what!
After this I also converted this into an animated GIF. Considering the translation of form, content, and meaning from a static physical object to a dynamic, screen-based format.
Key Features:
Personal mantra exploration
Wearable sweatshirt design and production
Animated GIF creation
Translation of form, content, and meaning